Morgan Snyder

Account Director

Morgan is on a personal mission to make others smile. Seriously, though. She spent more than a decade working for a Midwest grocery retailer whose tagline is, “Where there’s a helpful smile in every aisle.” The line stuck, and that sense of compassion paired with an obsessively detailed work style translates well into her daily role as counselor. Steeped in online content development experience and a robust familiarity with the food, beverage, grocery and retail landscape, Morgan is helping MM’s clients make moves of their own – big or small, always impactful.

What moves me?

When I know I’ve helped someone in any way, that makes me smile. It could be as simple as sending a card in the mail, making a birthday cake, meeting a challenging deadline or helping mentor and grow a colleague. No matter your background, experiences, struggles or expertise, a smile is a language understood by all.

A little about me:

  • If I won the lottery tomorrow I would create a state-of-the-art music education facility, filled with instruments, a large auditorium for free concerts and instructors offering complimentary music lessons to anyone wanting to learn an instrument or have vocal lessons.
  • Things I enjoy when I’m not working: Anything outdoors! Sign me up for a camping or fishing trip, a scenic hike or bike ride, or even a campfire with some cold beers!
  • This might surprise you about me: I can play four instruments, including the accordion (hence the lottery plans).
  • In another life, I’m pretty sure I was one of those cool ladies from the 20s, rocking a sparkly dress and perfect hair while sipping a fancy cocktail and dancing to a live jazz band.

Perspectives From Morgan Snyder

Getting Sustainability Messaging Right Through Meaningful Content

Morgan Snyder, January 11, 2022

Too many brands are telling, rather than showing their strides toward a more sustainable future. Grab our tips on how to develop sustainability messaging that builds trust with your customers. Read more

6 Proactive Steps to Future-Proof Your Food Crisis Management Plan

Morgan Snyder, November 29, 2021

This guide covers everything you need to know about preventing a food industry crisis before it hits and steps to follow if a PR disaster does occur.  Read more

10 Standout Strategies for Your Next Food Product Launch

Morgan Snyder, June 8, 2021

From determining whether or not there’s a market for your new food product to understanding its distribution and promotion strategy, use these tips for product launch success. Read more

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