
Keeping water clean and soil healthy is critical for Iowa, which is why the state set big goals to reduce nutrient loss. 4R Plus, a combination of the “4Rs” of nutrient stewardship “plus” conservation practices, are needed. Farmers just need information, resources and encouragement to speed adoption.


Inspire Iowa farmers to learn more about the adoption of on-farm practices to improve soil health and water quality.


We leverage the power of digital to engage and inform farmers. The 4R Plus website is a resource hub for nutrient stewardship, conservation practices, on-farm applications, success stories, agronomist training courses and more. A monthly blog keeps content fresh and relevant to growers, and a Twitter campaign amplifies the reach of 4R Plus.


We start a conversation about practices, ultimately driving farmers, and the industry, to rethink what soil health management should look like on the farm.

Website usage grows: 35% increase in page views in 2020. Twitter engagement soars: 1.3 million saw program messages in 2020. Connecting with supporters: During COVID-19, Working Groups kept supporters engaged.