
Preserving ethanol market share is a key focus for IL Corn, but consumers lack confidence about available fuel choices. Eighty percent of consumers nationwide are unaware that most gas today contains some ethanol; they’re worried about engine safety and higher ethanol blends; and like other purchases, price trumps all. Record-setting gas prices in 2022 create a unique opportunity to educate consumers on the many benefits of filling up with ethanol.


Raise awareness and understanding of Unleaded 88/E15 fuel among Chicagoland consumers while encouraging trial.


Reach Chicago area consumers (ages 25-45) and educate them about the economic, environmental and engine safety advantages of choosing ethanol at the gas pump.
• “When in doubt, call your dad” is the creative approach to this video ad, which features a daughter seeking the advice of her dad about filling up with the higher blended ethanol gas option, Unleaded 88.
• Tactical executions are delivered via passive and active media channels including CTV/streaming TV, out-of-home (OOH) streaming and pre-roll website ads, GasBuddy app, YouTube, and social media.
• The campaign positions Unleaded 88/E15 as a lower cost alternative with added environmental benefits.


The 1-month campaign delivered millions of impressions to the target audience when gas purchasing decisions are top of mind.

1. 6.6M+ impressions through YouTube, social media, GasBuddy app advertising and iHeart radio advertising
2. 903K+ social views via Facebook, Instagram and Instagram Stories
3. 144K+ engagements With social media content

6.6M+ impressions 903K+ social views 144K+ engagements