Jessica Fedran

Digital Specialist

When it comes to the digital landscape, Jessica knows how to leverage it to grow brands. Before joining the MM team, she spent a handful of years helping brands in the home improvement and financial industries build their online presence, promote their messages and reach their target audiences through online channels. She’s also well-versed in influencer marketing, data analysis and amplifying experiential programs through a social media lens.

Jessica brings a wide variety of skills to the team, which is where she believes the best things grow. The success of a program or business doesn’t fall on just one person, but is the result of a cohesive team. So you’ll find Jessica ready and eager to put her skills to work and keep the team moving.

What moves me?

The dedication to learn and stay curious in ways that further my growth as an individual and professional. You’re never too old or too smart to learn something new.

A little about me:

  • This might surprise you about me: I’m a triplet. I have one brother and sister who I’ve been fortunate enough to share some of life’s biggest moments with.
  • If I could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, I would be sailing on the Mediterranean Sea.
  • On a Saturday morning, you’ll find me: Walking my dogs around Whitnall Park, brunching my way through Milwaukee or deep cleaning my place!

Perspectives From Jessica Fedran

Eye-opening Influencer Marketing Tips for Food Brands

Jessica Fedran, March 1, 2022

With more consumers turning to social media voices for trusted information about their food choices, the opportunity for food brands to work with reputable influencers is growing. Find out what makes influencer marketing an effective approach for food brands and what strategies are working.  Read more

Simple strategies to protect your brand image and prevent a crisis on social media

Jessica Fedran, August 23, 2021

Though social media is one of the most powerful marketing and communications tools for brands, risks exist, including harsh online posts from poor user experiences and persistent internet trolls. Follow these steps to protect your brand image and prevent crises on social media. Read more

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