
Consumers are hungry for information about how their food is grown and raised. Yet, with so many information access points and unqualified sources out there, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Illinois Beef Month provides a prime opportunity to talk to people about what’s on their tables.


Improve beef’s image with consumers while building trust in Illinois farmers and their practices.


We leverage Cattlemen’s Beef Board assets to create a localized campaign targeted to Illinois consumers. A combination of digital channels (social, blog, email) and influencer partnerships reach Illinois consumers with messaging about beef and beef farmers, connecting on shared values such as health, nutrition, transparency and pride.


The campaign is designed to elicit website clicks and social reactions relative to beef's nutrition and beef farmer practices. It does that – and then some.

2.85 million consumers are reached during the May Illinois beef month That's like each Illinois beef farmer talking to 200 consumers in a single month Consumers engage online with 1,400 social engagements, 730 website views and 660 unique visitors.