
Post Consumer Brands™ employees report accessibility and usability challenges within their employee intranet – contributing to organizational communication gaps and a decrease in employee productivity. This leads to a decline in employee engagement and retention rates – especially for deskless plant employees that do not regularly use a computer for work.


To better serve Post Consumer Brands employees and mitigate these challenges, we identify the opportunity to replace their intranet, “Better Center,” with a more modern, functional, and personalized experience that more effectively connects employees across all job functions and locations and enables a more productive workplace.


- Vendor Selection: We evaluate intranet vendors in the marketplace and partner with Interact Software.
- Content Audit: We conduct an in-depth content audit to identify content overlap and gaps and outline a new intuitive sitemap structure.
- Content Migration: We help migrate content and build templates for homepages, resource pages, and more.
- Improve Relevancy: Implement keyword tagging and Interact’s cutting-edge personalization.
- Support Launch Day Promotions: Design promotional materials for in-office launch day activities, including larger-than-life cereal floor stickers and QR code posters. We also created and distributed anthem videos via email.
- Drive Employee Adoption and Engagement: Develop a Better Center Monthly Challenge campaign to encourage Better Center adoption.


Employees report significant improvements in Better Center content accessibility and navigability in annual corporate communications survey distributed by Post Consumer Brands. MorganMyers continues to support Post Consumer Brands through monthly performance reporting/analysis and ongoing optimizations to continually improve user experience and ensure Better Center continues to best serve employees.

7% increase in adoption rate YoY 51% increase YoY in average monthly news article views 38% average monthly increase in employee engagement