Research shows soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the No. 1 yield-robbing pathogen for the North American soybean crop year after year.1 Because SCN can take yield without visible aboveground symptoms, awareness remains a hurdle. Consequently, just 19% of farmers test soils for SCN, according to a 2021 quantitative study of nearly 1,000 farmers across 17 states conducted by The SCN Coalition.2 The main reason cited for not scouting or sampling soils was that SCN was not a “serious enough problem.”
The SCN Coalition is a public/checkoff/private partnership formed to increase the number of soybean growers who are actively managing SCN. Its goal is to increase soybean growers’ profit potential and realize higher yields.

National Nematode Day helped spread awareness about SCN across digital, social and print channels. A giveaway driving users to the NND webpage paired with innovative social media posts and digital ads helped amplify the messaging and drove engagement.