Raven Hubbard

Account Director

Forging meaningful connections, solving problems, making the complex simple — Raven excels at all of these. Not only that, but she also loves doing so! That makes her an incredible asset to our animal health clients. With 15+ years honing these skills in the animal health space, Raven’s strategic approach to each day and willingness to ask “why?” keeps her ideas fresh and on point. She loves positioning products as solutions to the real-world problems farmers and ranchers face. She understands those challenges intimately. Along with her husband and kids, she raises cattle, horses and goats in addition to growing alfalfa in rural Missouri. She’s embedded in the world of agriculture and wouldn’t have it any other way.


Building new relationships and getting to know people — whether they are clients, coworkers, farmers or ranchers. I thrive on solving problems and making meaningful connections. I also love having the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects. That variety keeps me energized and passionate about what I do.


  • In another life, I’m pretty sure I was a grandma — give me a good crossword puzzle, a cup of coffee and I’m happy for hours!
  • If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would start a tearoom and/or coffee shop in the circa 1800s one-room-schoolhouse on our property. And, you know, keep working here.
  • The best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten is to be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
  • This might surprise you about me: I can juggle — and not just lots of work projects or goats — I can literally juggle three balls at one time!
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