Stacy Burmeister
We have a feeling that Stacy has at some point been voted “nicest person you’ll ever meet.” And the only thing that surpasses her niceness is the tremendous support she provides to MM’s account teams. Stacy’s niceness began in the shadow of Grandad Bluff in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Before joining MM, her previous career included time in public sector human services and in the field of banking and mortgage lending. Her attention to detail and follow-through keep teams and projects on track to deliver the best results, while the firm’s agriculture focus provides a connection to her own ag story and interests.
Everything begins with my faith and my understanding of Christian stewardship. I want to use the gifts I’ve been given to help other people. I am inspired by my work and I’m passionate about customer service. Food and agriculture are important to me ever since I sat on cows in my grandpa’s dairy barn and now that I am a grandmother of four little eaters.
- In another life, I’m pretty sure I was a champion figure skater.
- If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would start an organization to help people with disabilities. And, you know, keep working here.
- This might surprise you about me: My husband and I began taking ballroom dancing lessons a year ago – it’s a great “date” activity! When we started out, the instructor cautioned me about my “aggressive following.”