Celebrating a Legacy of Leadership
Celebrating a Legacy of Leadership
We’re going to admit something about MorganMyers. We aren’t great at goodbyes.
In our defense, we do not have to do it very often. MMers tend to stay awhile – settle in, make their mark, move the business forward, and in all these things create a culture that draws more people in to keep building something better.
No one has been fostering this kind of culture longer than our four former shareholders, who have a combined 147 years at the agency. And for the last 20 years, Tim Oliver, Janine Stewart, Linda Wenck and Max Wenck have led MorganMyers, thoughtfully and relentlessly, growing the agency into what it is today. An agency known for its inherent ag smarts and CPG savvy. It’s a business trusted for its dependability. A group of people sought after for their strategy and counsel. And so much more.
As 2024 comes to a close, we celebrate our leaders as they prepare for their planned retirements: Tim and Max at year’s end, followed by Janine and Linda in 2025. For decades, this team has fearlessly guided the agency, nurturing, and preparing the next generation to carry forward the MorganMyers legacy. Their leadership set the stage for our next chapter of success, marked by our evolution into MorganMyers, a G&S Agency, this past summer. They leave behind a sturdy foundation, an enduring spirit, and a clear path for the future—everything that makes MorganMyers unmistakably MorganMyers.
As we stop to think about the incredible impact they have had and what their legacy will continue to shape, we cannot help but feel grateful for all they have done. And so, as true PR professionals, we could not help but round up some facts, some insights, and some memories to share about these four leaders.
The Boss
Excellent time management skills, good in a crisis, an applaudable golf partner – Tim Oliver has served as president of MorganMyers since June 2005. Some will remember Tim in the early days for his competitive spirit during rec league basketball and softball, and of course, “that mustache” that ultimately sunsetted circa 2004. The current clan appreciates his unwavering commitment to keeping the coffee brewing. But all will remember Tim for his innate ability to stay calm, build consensus, focus on what’s important, and keep people moving.
Just before joining MorganMyers in 1996 Tim was director of communications for Asgrow Seed Company, a role that transitioned well into his ability to create successful client-agency relationships, not to mention his expertise in issues management, crisis prevention and media preparedness.
It’s hard to pinpoint one campaign or project that Tim impacted most; his hand was in a lot of the big ones. It’s that constant steadiness and dependability, no matter the need, that we’ll miss most about Tim.
The Connecter
Janine Stewart grew up on a purebred hog farm, worked at the Iowa State swine teaching farm in college and dreamed of writing for a pork publication. We’re so happy that different plans prevailed and to have had the opportunity to witness the impact she’s had at MorganMyers and on the broader agricultural community.
Janine has been the “connector” on countless campaigns, spanning animal health, premium beef, seed genetics, commodity work – pretty much the whole kitchen sink. Well, the (Delta) faucet, anyway. No matter the industry, she has an innate ability to see the challenge, know what “levers” to pull for the most impact, and makes projects happen.
Some of her most impactful work has been leading teams introducing new technology to farmers. In 1996, MorganMyers worked on behalf of Asgrow, the first seed company to introduce Roundup Ready Soybeans. This not only involved a farmer acceptance campaign of the new technology but also meant navigating media coverage of the product launch, including a Greenpeace protest that failed to detract from the favorable Des Moines Register coverage. The result? All the Roundup Ready seed for the next season was booked prior to the end of year.
Janine knows how to connect on campaigns, and with people. She’s the ultimate cheerleader, an excellent caretaker and mentor, and her sense of humor will be sorely missed by those who worked closest with her.
The Analyst
Linda Wenck is one of those people who is always thinking, always five steps ahead. And her insatiable curiosity has been contagious for those fortunate enough to work with her over the years. She has taught many the importance of asking “so what?” to get to the root of a problem. She was also integral in creating a culture where we roll up our sleeves and get the work done – whether that’s setting strategy or executing on a tactic.
Linda’s roots are deep in agriculture, having grown up on a dairy and fresh produce farm in Wisconsin. But it’s her work and expertise across the entire food value chain that has been nothing short of legendary.
One of the most iconic campaigns Linda led was for McDonald’s in the mid-2000s, at the forefront of the “blogging boom.” Mommy bloggers were invited to tour a beef supplier, produce farm, and even work a shift behind the counter to see, share, and ultimately change perceptions around how fast food is made.
There are so many more campaigns and projects, especially in the realm of technology adoption and sustainability initiatives, in which Linda was the linchpin. She has been an unwavering, steady, fierce advocate for the MM brand and for our clients.
The Closer
Farmer, philosopher, sage counsel – there is no one quite like Max Wenck. Some people just get this industry: the challenges, the beauty, the nuances, all of it. That’s Max, a man who lives and breathes agriculture. We suppose it comes naturally, as he’s continued to operate his own cash grain and show cattle operation in Wisconsin, along with a family cow-calf ranch in South Dakota. But there’s always been an added spark with Max, one that has burned bright for 40+ years as he’s worked tirelessly to advance this industry he loves.
His combined passion and knowledge have been instrumental in leading several industry-revolutionizing campaigns. Helping create The SCN Coalition more than 20 years ago was one of those efforts, an industry-wide, public-private partnership to combat soybean cyst nematodes – the No. 1 yield-grabbing pathogen of the soybean crop. It’s a coalition that’s still going strong today.
And if you have ever had the good fortune to be on a pitch team with Max, the guy really knows how to close.
It is hard to truly sum up the impact these four individuals have had on us as individuals, the agency, and the industry. It is hard to imagine MorganMyers without them. It is hard to say goodbye. But the best leaders do not just leave their mark and go. They create a culture worth sustaining, they lay the groundwork for a lasting legacy, and they help pass the torch for even better things ahead.
Thank you, Tim, Janine, Linda, and Max, for what you have built here.